Noodle Lovers Can Now Get Indomie Mi Goreng Wedding Cakes.

Noodle Lovers Can Now Get Indomie Mi Goreng Wedding Cakes And Donuts.

Hello, foodies! We’re back with some exciting news. Noodle lovers, it’s time to turn your heads here because we’ve recently discovered something delicious that is going to leave you in awe. You know those little packets of Indomie noodles that have won over the hearts of many? Well, now there’s a place in Indonesia where you can get Indomie Mi Goreng wedding cakes, birthday cakes and donuts!

Indomie Mi Goreng Wedding Cakes And Donuts

These desserts and snacks are made by an Indonesian company called Tot Aw, which is short for ‘Totally Awesome’. Inspired by the local moms who would pack lunch boxes for their kids with delicious Indomie, they’ve decided to incorporated that idea into a new kind of fun foods.

Famed for their three tiers Indomie Mi Goreng wedding cakes that are delicately decorated with flowers, many newlyweds have taken their all-time favourite childhood snacks to their wedding ceremony! Furthermore, using as many as 17 packets of Indomie to make one wedding cake, it’s definitely a wedding cake that is going to impress the guests.

Aside from their cake varieties, they’ve also gained their name in making crispy fried Indomie donuts! Featuring different flavours of donuts from the original, egg, stuffed shredded chicken, corned cheese to fish, they are all coated with bread crumbs to add a crispy touch to it. They all sound good, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, this company is only available in Indonesia. So next time when you’re traveling to Jakarta, make sure to make an order before you go and collect it there! Either it’s your childhood food or your ‘university food you used to eat in your 20s’, it’s definitely worth a try.
