Last time we let you know about our full-length specials available to watch on Facebook, the amount of fans on our Facebook page was equal to the population of Austria.

Well, we're proud to report that we've now outstripped Benin as well, and now have Somalia in our sights.

And to reward our small digital nation-state, we've been making more of our favourite Top Gear trips available for rent on Facebook. Our slog to the North Pole and the romp through the southern states of the USA are now live, and today it's the turn of our Vietnam trip.

First aired in January 2009, the boys were tasked with travelling 1000 miles from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi, each only using a shoebox stuffed with 15 million Vietnamese dong. Unfortunately, this worked out to about $1,000, only enough to purchase a small, wheezy two-wheeler. And with only eight days to cover the full distance.

It's notable as one of the only times in history you'll see Jeremy on any form of two-wheeled transport, James sport a colander as a hat, or Richard show such care and attention to a large wooden model of a ship. And it was also great fun to make, as producer Andy Wilman explains here.

If you want to rent and watch it in full, just head this way to our Facebook page and find out more.

And here’s a clip to whet the appetite…
